The story centres around Damien Gooding, a down-on-his-luck Sydney filmmaker attempting to 'make it' in the high stakes world of showbiz via a blockbuster feature film entitled Desert Thief Down.
When friend, mentor and studio exec Bobby Berman [played by Anthony Brandon Wong - The Family Law, The Matrix: Reloaded/Revolutions] offers Damien the chance of a lifetime to pitch his film to a major movie studio, Gooding's dead-end life looks set to change.
But there's a catch: He needs to have an A-List actor already signed on. With just seven days to find a Hugh Jackman, a Tom Hardy or a Daniel Day-Lewis; Damien is forced to coerce his estranged father Dallas [Andy McPhee - Wentworth, Sons of Anarchy] into an outback road trip to find an elusive actor under the guise of making amends.
Produced by Freeway One Entertainment, and with support from Benita Collings [Janet King, Play School] and Emm Wiseman [Winchester, Celeste], The Pitch is a funny, heartwarming tale of love, courage, the harsh realities of showbiz and the complications that often lie in being a father - and a son.
Armed with only a handful of indie credits, some lifelong film industry colleagues, a finely tuned script and one 1970 Toyota Landcruiser ute, The Pitch production team set about bringing the story off the page and into living colour.
Five magnificent weeks of sunshine ensured every frame was captured in glorious 4K; from the heart of showbiz in glitzy Sydney City to the golden fields of the Western Plains and the red-iron dust of the Australian outback.
There were airplanes, drones, quads, cars and trailers. Breakdowns and break-ups. Mosquito and kangaroo
plagues. Subzero temps at night
and searing heat during the day.
And scores of creative artforms
channeled into a single vision:
to create the best and
loftiest story we could
As an unknown kid from the country in the perilous and uncertain world of entertainment, the seeds of The Pitch lie in creator Daniel Green's own challenges to make a successful career as a commercial artist.
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Daniel Green
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The Pitch on
The Pitch on
Freeway One's
official website.